Online store "" located on a domain name 


1.1. Public offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer") - a public offer of the Seller, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons, to conclude a contract for the sale of goods with the Seller remotely method (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") on the terms contained in this Offer, including all Applications.

1.2. Ordering the Goods on the website of the online store - items specified by the Buyer from the range of the Goods offered for sale, when placing an application for the purchase of the Goods on the website Online store or through the Operator.


2.1. The order by the Buyer of the Goods placed on the website of the online store means that the Buyer agrees with all the terms of this Offer.

2.2. The administration of the website of the online store has the right to make changes to the Offer without notifying the Buyer.

2.3. The validity period of the Offer is not limited, unless otherwise specified on the website of the online store.

2.4. The Seller provides the Buyer with complete and reliable information about the Goods, including information about the main consumer properties of the Goods, place of manufacture, as well as information on the warranty period and expiration date Goods on the website of the online store, in the & nbsp; section name.


3.1. The price for each item of the Goods is indicated on the website of the online store. 

3.2. The Seller has the right to unilaterally change the price for any position of the Goods. 

3.3. In the event of a change in the price of the ordered Goods, the Seller undertakes within  amount of days inform the Buyer about the change in the price of the Goods.

3.4. The Buyer has the right to confirm or cancel the Order for the purchase of the Goods if the price is changed by the Seller after ordering.

3.5. Change by the Seller of the price of the Goods paid by the Buyer is not allowed. 

3.6. The Seller indicates the cost of delivery of the Goods on the website of the online store or informs the Buyer when placing an order by the Operator.

3.7. The Buyer's obligations to pay for the Goods are considered fulfilled from the moment the Seller receives the money. funds.

3.8. Settlements between the Seller and the Buyer for the Goods are made in the ways indicated on the website of the online store in   section name


4.1. The order of the Goods is carried out by the Buyer through the service of the website of the online store

4.2. When registering on the website of the online store, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following registration information:

4.2.1. surname, name, patronymic of the Buyer or the person indicated by him (recipient);

4.2.2.  the address to which the Goods should be delivered (if the delivery is to the address of the Buyer);

4.2.3. email address;

4.2.4. contact phone.

4.3. The name, quantity, assortment, article, price of the Goods selected by the Buyer are indicated in the basket Buyer on the website of the online store. 

4.4. If the Seller needs additional information, he has the right to request it from the Buyer. In case not providing the necessary information by the Buyer, the Seller is not responsible for the chosen by the Buyer Product.

4.5. When placing an Order through the Operator (clause 4.1. of this Offer), the Buyer undertakes to provide the information specified in clause 4.2. of this Offer.

4.6. Acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of this Offer is carried out by the Buyer making relevant data in the registration form on the website of the online store or when placing an Order through Operator. After placing an Order through the Operator, the Buyer's data is registered in the Seller's database. Having approved the Order of the selected Goods, the Buyer provides the Operator with the necessary information in accordance with in the manner specified in clause 4.2. of this Offer.

4.7. The Seller is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when ordering.

4.8. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing the Order.

4.9. The remote sale and purchase agreement between the Seller and the Buyer is considered concluded from the moment issuance by the Seller to the Buyer of a cash or sales receipt or other document confirming payment Product.


5.1. The Seller provides the Buyer with services for the delivery of the Goods by one of the methods indicated on the website Online store.

5.2. If the contract for the sale of goods is remotemethod (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is concluded with the condition of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer, the Seller is obliged to deliver the Goods to the place indicated by the Buyer, and if the place of delivery of the Goods by the Buyer is not indicated, then at the place of his residence or registration.

5.3. The Buyer indicates the place of delivery of the Goods when placing an Order for the purchase of the Goods.

5.4. The term of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer consists of the order processing time and the delivery time.

5.5. The delivered Goods are transferred to the Buyer, and in the absence of the Buyer - to any person who presents a receipt or other document confirming the conclusion of the Agreement or the registration of the delivery of the Goods.

5.6. At the time of transfer of the Goods, the Buyer must be informed in writing of the information provided in Appendix No.  number to the Agreement.

5.7. Information about the Goods is brought to the attention of the Buyer in the technical documentation attached to the Goods, on labels, by marking or in another way accepted for certain types of goods.

5.8. Information on the mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the Goods is submitted in the manner and in the ways that established by the legislation of Ukraine on technical regulation, and include information about the number a document confirming such compliance, its validity period and the organization that issued it.


Carefully read the text of the public offer, and if you do not agree with any clause of the offer, you have the right refuse to purchase the Goods provided by the Seller and not take the actions specified in clause 2.1. real Offers.